NDTA Joins Ranks of the Combined Federal Campaign Charities

NDTA Joins Ranks of the Combined Federal Campaign Charities The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) initiative, is one of the largest and most successful workplace fundraising campaigns in the world. Through the CFC, members of the...

The 2023 Defense Cyber Strategy: A Primer

The 2023 Defense Cyber Strategy: A Primer It’s no secret that the US Military, as well as its allies and partners, are under constant threat of malicious cyber activity. Nefarious actors seek to exploit any technological vulnerability they can find to undermine the US...
Deployment to and Sustainment in Austere Locations – Advance Preparation and Execution Dynamics

Deployment to and Sustainment in Austere Locations – Advance Preparation and Execution Dynamics

Deployment to and Sustainment in Austere Locations – Advance Preparation and Execution Dynamics Moderator:Dr. Dennis Walters,Director, Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) Participants: COL Paul Nelson, CSC, Australian Liaison Officer to the U.S. Joint Staff J4 and...
Empowering Decisions and Solutions for a Strategic Advantage

Empowering Decisions and Solutions for a Strategic Advantage

Empowering Decisions and Solutions for a Strategic Advantage Speaker:Dominic Venturo, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, U.S. Bank Description: Decision advantage is achieved through preparation, skill, knowledge and the use of real-time,...