Nov 21, 2023 | Acquisition, Airlift, Airfreight, Allies, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Transportation Systems, Beyond the Headlines, Blockchain, Command and Control, Common Operating Picture, Containers, Contracts, Corporate Member News, Customs Clearance, Cybersecurity, Defense Industrial Base, Distribution, DTJ Online, Fall Meeting, Fall Meeting Videos 2023, Finance, Household Goods, Human Resources, Information Technology, Leadership, Lodging, Logistics, Logistics and Transportation Legislation and Policy, Long Term Lodging, Machine Learning, Mentoring, Motor Coach Transportation, Ocean Carrier, Ocean Freight, Panel SFPC, Passenger Travel, Ports, Press Releases, Rail Transportation, Roundtables Fall Meeting, Travel Technology, Warehouse Management
Deployment to and Sustainment in Austere Locations – Advance Preparation and Execution Dynamics Moderator:Dr. Dennis Walters,Director, Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) Participants: COL Paul Nelson, CSC, Australian Liaison Officer to the U.S. Joint Staff J4 and...
Mar 20, 2023 | Airlift, Airfreight, DTJ Online, GovTravels 2023 Videos, Human Resources, Long Term Lodging, Motor Coach Transportation, Passenger Travel, Transportation Labor, Travel Management Company
Post-Pandemic Industry Challenges Moderator: Mr. Tim Burke, SES, Director, Office of Travel, Employee Relocation and Transportation, Federal Acquisition Service (FAS), U.S. General Services Administration Panelist: Mr. William R. Mansell Jr., SES, Director, Defense...
Mar 4, 2022 | Defense Transportation Journal, DTJ Online, GovTravels, GovTravels 2022 Videos, GovTravels Videos, Motor Coach Transportation
Government/Industry Meeting: DoD & GSA Meet with Bus Industry Speakers:Scott Kidd, GASDonna Johnson, DTMODavid Comfort, USTRANSCOMTony Kern, USTRANSCOMSara Lubeno, USMEPCOM The National Defense Transportation Association, together with the Defense Travel...