Functional Committee Descriptions & Accomplishments

NDTA includes six functional committees: Military Airlift Advisory, Military Sealift, Surface Transportation, Military Distribution, Passenger Travel Services, and a newly refocused Cybersecurity Best Practices. Committees are chaired by a senior industry leader, supported by a senior government liaison, and operate under their own charters. Committee members include executives from NDTA corporate membership, participants from U.S. Transportation Command, its component commands, and other government agencies. Committees meet at least twice per year to address operational and policy issues of mutual interest, give the government a window into industry processes, and provide industry a voice in government policy development. Each is charged with examining and recommending solutions on critical government, military, and industry issues in their respective fields.


Military Aviation Advisory Committee

The United States national airlift capability relies on both military and commercial air carrier resources, thus NDTA offers the expertise of Association members to enhance the civil/military partnership. Past accomplishments and on-going actions include:

  • Developed parameters for the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) program
  • Developed National Airlift Policy in coordination with DOD; signed by the President of the United States, 1987
  • Completed a study on CRAF activation after Desert Shield/Desert Storm
  • Assisted Air Mobility Command in solving issues resulting from CRAF activation
  • Participated in studies of the CRAF program
  • Provided ideas on ways to ensure the viability of the GSA City Pairs program
  • Recommended ways to use simulators in training and for currency event credit
  • Chartered a subcommittee on Safety and Security Best Practices
  • Developed recommendations for the use of Big Data/Digitization for operational performance improvement
  • Studied the implications of cyber resiliency for Command and Control of organic and commercial aircraft
Military Sealift Committee

U.S. national sealift is dependent on maritime resources from the military and private sector, which are interdependent partners in achieving national maritime goals. This committee dedicates deep NDTA expertise to facilitate inquiry and dialogue. Past accomplishments and on-going actions include:

  • Established coalition between ship operators, ship builders; and labor unions to discuss ways to rebuild the US Merchant Marine
  • Supported and provided input to the National Security Sealift Policy: signed by the President, 1989
  • Completed quick reaction study on activation of Ready Reserve Force (RRF) ships during Desert Shield/Storm; provided recommendations to USTRANSCOM
  • Completed RRF Sizing Study for Commander, USTRANSCOM
  • Developed the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA) in conjunction with DOD, USTRANSCOM, and MARAD
  • Developed a set of guiding principles for lay-up of RRF ships
  • Published white papers on the Maritime Security Program, Security and Tonnage Tax, and Commercial and Military fleet mix
  • Established VISA Executive Working Group Subcommittee
  • Established U.S.-flag registry Executive Working Group Subcommittee co-chaired by industry and U.S. Coast Guard
Surface Transportation Committee

Commercial motor carriers and the rail industry move thousands of tons of DOD cargo every day in peacetime, and are absolutely vital to the Department of Defense’s ability to mobilize in times of crisis or national emergency.  This committee facilitates communication in an ongoing partnership that fulfills mission requirements in peace and war while mindful of day-to-day commercial economic realities.  Past accomplishments and on-going actions include:

  • Improved the payment processes for truck and rail carriers
  • Identified improvements for Intermodal Unit Moves
  • Implemented processes to standardize quality across the modes
  • Conducted port readiness reviews
  • Provided industry recommendations to improve security and standardize carrier access to military installations – participated in pilot programs to test the DBIDS (Defense Biometric Identification system)
  • Led multiple efforts to improve the safety and security of TPS and AA&E shipments
  • Provided industry input/concerns to SDDC regarding a revised fuel surcharge policy
  • Provided forum for industry to express views and provide recommendations on numerous USTRANSCOM contracts and acquisition strategies
  • Identified “Safe Havens” for AA&E shipments in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster
  • Facilitated Motor Carrier Installation Access working group with OSD and industry
  • Working with DOD and DOT to design a program to expedite CDL licensing for transitioning troops with experience operating equivalent military vehicles
  • Testing and updating of multiple transportation acquisition and management systems
  • Providing industry representatives to multiple DOD Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) Drills, Deployment Symposiums and studies, and multiple other meetings in order to implement industry best practices and ultimately improve the Defense Transportation System
Logistics and Distribution Committee

To ensure the integrity of DOD’s end-to-end supply chain, U.S. Transportation Command exists as the single Distribution Process Owner (DPO) for the department. This committee is the catalyst for ideas and information on commercial practices to advise USTRANSCOM and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) how to improve the supply chain. Past accomplishments and ongoing actions include:

  • Facilitated knowledge sharing between industry and USTRANSCOM on IT Portfolio management, metrics, and supply chain visibility
  • Advanced knowledge and science of end-to-end supply chain management through seminars and discussions groups
  • Fostered strategic communications between industry sectors to enhance defense distribution system — shared industry practices
  • Provided objective feedback to USTRANSCOM on changes to the Defense Supply chain and alignment with industry practices; end-to-end contracts; single billing procedures
  • Published white papers for On-Demand Distribution Facilities; and RFID
  • Examined DLA warehousing practices and provided solutions that resulted in $13M in savings
Government Passenger Travel Advisory Council

NDTA is firmly committed to the companies and government agencies that provide our nation’s government passenger travel and services. This committee acts as a trusted facilitator between government and industry decision makers, bridges information gaps, and encourages education to improve programs, trends, policies and other industry challenges facing the government traveler and the travel industry. Selected accomplishments and on-going actions include:

  • Led efforts to develop and implement the DOD Rental Car program
  • Chaired the GSA per diem working group
  • Developed and proposed a GSA fleet management schedule for rental cars
  • Provided industry feedback on the Defense Travel System
  • Provided airline industry views and concerns on the GSA City Pairs Program – ongoing effort to educate the government on key aspects for the program and its impacts on private industry
  • Conducted seminars and sessions to educate government travelers on new hotel and extended stay programs
  • Facilitated work shops across the public and private sectors to share knowledge on travel related technology; industry e-business practices and to enhance communications
  • Developed a white paper on fleet leasing programs for the government
Cybersecurity Best Practices Committee

Originally established to examine physical security in the post-9/11 world, the newly refocused Cybersecurity Best Practices Committee provides a forum for inquiry and understanding of the raft of new cybersecurity policies and requirements being implemented in the transportation and supply chain sector. Past accomplishments include:

  • Initiated sessions to educate the transportation industry on subjects of importance to DOD/DHS
  • Facilitated the sharing of knowledge between industry, government, and the military on security best practices
  • Advanced the knowledge and science of security and technology through table top exercises
  • Facilitated the interdepartmental exchange of personnel/training/schooling
  • Serves as TSA “window” to the transportation industry to obtain objective feedback on proposed policies, rules, and regulations
  • Championed need for DBIDS/TWIC interoperability; and the DOD model for “jointness” within the Department of Homeland Security
  • Published a white paper on Transportation Security and the War against Terrorism Participated with government agencies in the development of Intellipedia
  • Participated with government agencies in identifying and providing a framework for developing plans for the security of the nation’s 13 critical infrastructures and our national monuments/icons
  • Currently helping to define specific implementation requirements for IT systems for companies doing business with the government

Committee Chairs

Military Aviation Advisory Committee

Randy Martinez, Board of Directors: Plexus Corporation, First Class Aviation Holdings, Acorn Growth Companies

Safety & Security Best Practices Subcommittee
Charles Ferling, Director, Safety Assurance,
Omni Air International

Military Sealift Committee

James L. Henry, President, Transportation Institute

Surface Transportation Committee

Michael Cashner, VP, Government Services, Landstar Transportation Logistics, Inc.

Household Goods Subcommittee
Kevin Myers, Senior Manager, Quality Assurance, TMM, Inc.

Munitions Subcommittee
Don Welchoff, Executive VP

Ports Subcommittee
Ernest Bezdek, Director of Trade Development
Port of Beaumont

Rail Subcommittee
Theresa Lorinser, Director, Marketing Industrial Products
BNSF Railway

Logistics and Distribution Committee

Shiju Zacharia, Senior VP & General Manager,
Crowley Logistics

Distribution Vice-Chair
George Allen, Senior Advisor
Agility Defense & Government Services

Cybersecurity Best Practices Committee

Ted Rybeck, Chairman and CEO Benchmarking Partners, Inc.
810 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA  02139

Government Passenger Travel Advisory Council (GPTAC)

Bryan Scott, Asst VP of Government Business, Enterprise Holdings

GPTAC Vice-Chair
Greg Harkins, Global Lead, Defense & Government

Airline Committee
Evan Koppel, Director of Sales – Atlantic Region
United Airlines

Bus Committee
Lauren Gibson, President/CEO and Managing Director
StarForce National, Inc.

Car Rental Committee
Michael DeRosa, Senior Director, Strategic Sales, Government
Hertz Corporation

Lodging Committee
Christopher McLaughlin, Global Account Director, Government & Military
Sonesta International Hotels Corporation

Long-Term Lodging Committee
Jason Moore, Vice President, Government Business Development

Peter Maltby, Direct Global Travel Partnerships
Hilton Worldwide

Travel Management Companies Committee
Marlene Gray, Director of Government Services
Omega World Travel


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