Submission Guidelines
DTJ & DTJ Online
What is DTJ?
The Defense Transportation Journal is a bi-monthly publication with 5,000+ subscribers in the military, government, and private sector engaged in logistics, transportation, distribution, and passenger travel. DTJ is designed to advance knowledge in these fields, and foster the relationship between commercial organizations and their government partners. DTJ provides authoritative, incisive content from proven experts, serving as a forum for current research, opinions, and explication of trends.
What is the DTJ Online?
Recognizing a need to create and distribute content that did not fit into the print edition of the magazine, NDTA now accepts and publishes material in the DTJ Online. This digital platform allows greater freedom in the style, length, and type of information able to be published. DTJ Online content includes news, trends, and educational information in logistics, transportation and passenger travel presented in written, video or audio formats.
Who can submit an article for publication?
We welcome all ideas and submissions from our stakeholders. Articles are reviewed for relevance to current events/developments and NDTA’s audience. Relevance to the planned editorial calendar is also a consideration for the print edition.
Priority is given to NDTA corporate and individual members, and government stakeholders.
What types of articles do DTJ and DTJ Online publish?
Content for the DTJ and DTJ Online is educational—not advertorial—and generally fits into one of several categories:
- Featured articles explain a technology, process, issue, or trend and their challenges or benefits to the industry
- Case studies evaluate a real-world event or emergency with lessons learned
- Opinions provide expert commentary and insight into a current issue or event
- Profiles highlight a specific person, organization, facility or operation
We also welcome other types of pieces, including scholarly/academic papers, white papers, etc. Longer form pieces may require splitting the content among several issues.
All content is reviewed by the editorial team and may be edited for length, style, and clarity. Authors are given the opportunity to review material prior to it being published.
Are there any specific formatting requirements?
Yes indeed. We ask that all submissions hew—more or less—to the following guidelines:
- Articles should generally run 1,500 – 3,000 words (we do accept shorter opinions, profiles, etc.)
- Articles should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document
- Photographs or graphics that accompany the article should be high resolution (300dpi or better). Adobe vector or .jpg formats are preferred.
- Source materials referenced within an article should be cited within the text or as endnotes. Linking to sources is acceptable for online articles.
- Videos of 3-15 minutes in length work best and should be accompanied by a brief description
- Audio content (podcasts or recordings) should be 5-30 minutes and should be accompanied by a brief description
- All submissions should include the headline, as well as the author’s name, title and professional organization
Who should I contact to get started?
To pitch an idea or submit an article, please e-mail Managing Editor Barbara Parus. For information on advertising in DTJ, please contact Bob Schotta.
The Source
What is The Source?
The Source provides a weekly overview and analysis of the latest world, government and industry news, information and trends. Each weekly edition also highlights the latest content from the DTJ and DTJ Online, as well as provides updates on NDTA news and events, and showcases our corporate members. In short, it is The Source for all things NDTA.
How do I submit a post?
Anyone can submit a story suggestion to Managing Editor Barbara Parus. Press releases from NDTA corporate members and government partners should also be emailed to the Managing Editor.
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