SDDC Responsibilities during Fort to Port (FtP) Movements – SDDC-Industry Panel Discussion on Getting the Warfighter to/from the Port

Nov 30, 2022 | DTJ Online, Fall Meeting, Fall Meeting 2022 Videos, Logistics, Logistics and Transportation Legislation and Policy

MG Gavin A. Lawrence, Command General of SDDC, moderates a panel of key SDDC staff members and industry partners to share the current challenges and lessons learned in moving cargo for large-scale combat operations, mobilizations, and deployments.

Panel members include Mr. James E. Kazmierczak, Chief, SDDC Movement Operations Division; Mr. Jeffrey P. Olenick, G33S Movement Support SDDC; Mr. Ernest Bezdek, Port of Beaumont; Ms. Theresa Lorinser, BNSF Railway; and Mr. Jack Lubay, Mercer Transportation.

Panelists will share the responsibilities of each entity and organization during a large-scale mobilization or deployment in order to depict the intricate network required to support the warfighter at the point of need.

The focus of the lessons learned will be gleaned from current and recent Ukraine support, general numbers of cargo moved in support of contingency as well as conflict, industry support to Ukraine, industry’s role in future contested environment, commercial and DOD requirements during LSCO/LSMO, challenges within movement requirements as well as infrastructure requirements during mobilization, current and future asset availability, mobility feasibilities and capability assessments, all while maintaining the relationship required to keep the sustainment network stable.


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