The Official Newsletter of The National Defense Transportation Association

November 12, 2019

DTJ Online

Veterans: NDTA Corporate Members Want You!

By Sharon Lo Managing Editor, Defense Transportation Journal and The Source

Transitioning from active duty to a civilian career is an important—and often challenging—time for service members. From hanging up your uniform to writing a civilian resume to negotiating your new salary, the differences experienced between the two worlds are numerous.

The Department of Veterans Affairs reports nearly 200,000 men and women make this transition each year. According to a survey conducted by VetAdvisor®, 68 percent of veterans surveyed cited the inability to find opportunities matching their military experience as the biggest obstacle in obtaining employment.

How can one overcome this obstacle? Look no further than NDTA’s roster of corporate members. In many instances, you will find obvious parallels between the skills and knowledge gained through military experience and the positions available in these companies.

In addition to understanding the value military members bring, many companies are actively recruiting service members. NDTA corporate members AAR CORP., Amtrak, Atlas Air Worldwide, Enterprise Holdings, FedEx, and National Air Cargo specifically mention veteran recruiting efforts on their websites. However, these are far from the only companies actively recruiting service members. The knowledge, skills, and abilities veterans gained through military service would translate well into a career at any one of NDTA’s member companies.

Make use of your NDTA community. Check out the association’s website for opportunities to network with these and other employers at events and national meetings, and connect with them online through NDTA’s social media. Remember, with labor shortages in trucking, aviation, warehousing, hospitality, and several other segments of the transportation and logistics industries—both sides are looking to connect.

For additional assistance transitioning to civilian life, visit Military OneSource and take a look at Military Times’ Veterans Transition Survival Guide.

Transitioning from a career in the military to the civilian world can be daunting, but utilizing the connections and resources available to you can help to ensure your success.

As NDTA celebrates and reflects on the past 75 years, it’s important to also consider what the future will bring for the organization and its members. To that end, we have asked several members and friends of the association to tell us, “what do you think the next 75 years will be like for NDTA?”


John Fasching
Senior Consultant, Maintenance, Distribution and Operational Logistics Group, LMI

The advances that future NDTA members might help usher in to the Defense Transportation System will allow American to help maintain a degree of capability overmatch and a deterrent effect on future near-peer adversaries. I believe that we are at an inflection point in our dominant history of military force projection capability and capacity. Adversaries have been strategizing, developing and fielding their own anti-access/area-denial and global reach capabilities. They seek to exploit our process vulnerabilities, disrupt force deployments early-on and continuously compress our rapid response timelines. We may be training the next greatest generation of transportation professionals who will transform our current, methodical and predictable Joint deployment process into a strategic maneuver process – rapidly delivering in-tact, Joint combined arms maneuver formations conducting contested, cross-domain operations en route, and arriving in immediately employable configuration in accordance with combatant commanders’ scheme of maneuver. NDTA members form the catalyst for the legal, policy and cultural changes required to realize scalable, combat loaded strategic maneuver capability where, as an example, Army formations can fight their way to the fight(s) and dynamically reconfigure en route as necessary depending on operational risks anticipated at chokepoints along the way, providing cross-domain kinetic and non-kinetic effects while maneuvering through the strategic support area and into theaters of operations. We will evolve from breaking combat power into its components, shipping the components separately through benign operating environments and embarking on a lengthy, target-rich reception, staging, onward movement and integration process to rebuild and employ combat power in theater. In the next 75 years, NDTA members will create, operate, and optimize out-of-this-world supply chains as space-based resources are increasingly tapped as enablers for military operations. We will help transition Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational and Commercial force projection operations from largely human-in-the-loop, carbon-fuel-driven and strategically predictable endeavors, to artificial intelligence-enabled, multi-power sourced and multi-domain resilient operations. Our members will boldly and audaciously lead and inspire the change needed to create and maintain windows of force projection overmatch to underpin our near-, mid- and far-term national security interests against increasingly astute and dynamic adversaries.

Corporate Member News

ARC Adds New Ship, Loads Combat Aviation Brigade in Rotterdam
(American Roll-on Roll-off Carrier) American Roll-on Roll-off Carrier’s M/V ARC Integrity, the company’s latest addition to the US-flag fleet, loaded equipment from the Army’s 1st Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) at the port of Rotterdam. The materiel included a mix of helicopters, vehicles, containers, and other ground support equipment for 1st CAB, which now returns home to Fort Riley, Kansas, after a ninth month rotation in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

Improved Safety and Customer Experience Drive Record Amtrak Ridership
(Amtrak) Through continued investment in safety and the customer experience, Amtrak delivered its best operating performance in company history this past fiscal year. 

Stairs, Selfies and a Little Fresh Air: The Future of Southwest Airlines Boarding?
(USA Today) Four minutes after my Southwest Airlines flight landed, I was in the terminal. The secret to the quick exit: the back door. Southwest lets passengers exit—and enter—from the front and back of the plane at Sacramento International Airport. 

Maersk to Trial Containerized Battery on Containership
(gCaptain) A.P.Moller- Maersk is getting ready to test a containerized battery on board one of its containerships as the world’s largest container shipping company continues to develop low carbon solutions in order to meet its environmental goals.

SAP Concur Launches New U.S. Public Sector Resell Program
(SAP Concur) SAP Concur has announced the launch of its new U.S. Public Sector Resell program, allowing government and education organizations to tap into its trusted network of preferred partners. 

Gov’t/Mil News

Congressional Dysfunction Threatens to Halt Trump Defense Buildup
(Forbes) The assumption typically is that Congress will eventually pass a real budget. This year, though, doubts are rising that a budget can be passed, given wrangling over funding for the president’s border wall and the very divisive impeachment process.

The Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) Releases Fall Dispatch
(DTMO) DTMO’s quarterly newsletter, The Dispatch, has just been released, featuring an update on travel system modernization, interviews with the team leads for both the Defense Travel Modernization prototype initiative and the DOD Preferred Commercial Lodging program, an overview of the Military Bus program, and more.

The Fight Over 5G Foreshadows the Great Decoupling
(C4ISRNet) How the Pentagon buys basic technology is suddenly a matter of national security. For everything from security cameras to printers to cellphone networks, the whole apparatus of modern office technology has now gained an air of ominous menace.

America’s Great-Power Problems Will Come Back to Haunt It in the Middle East
(The National Interest) In the past, when great powers exited a geopolitically critical region, a strategic vacuum ensued. Trump’s hasty withdrawal of troops in Syria, just like his predecessor’s pullout from Iraq, is no exception.

Report: Cyber Workforce Must Grow 145% to Meet Global Demand
(Nextgov) Demand for cyber expertise is skyrocketing across the U.S. as more organizations start prioritizing their digital security, but today there are only enough cybersecurity pros to fill about 60 percent of those jobs, according to a recent survey.

Industry News

Could the World Cope If GPS Stopped Working?
(BBC News) What would happen if GPS—the Global Positioning System—stopped working? For a start, we would all have to engage our brains and pay attention to the world around us when getting from A to B. 

Perspective: What AB 5 Means for California Trucking
(Transport Topics) The trucking industry is a place where an entrepreneurial workforce can thrive, especially for owner-operators who choose to work as independent contractors. But California’s recent passage of a law that will limit when and how a business can contract with an owner-operator for trucking services is causing concern.

Report: Seafarers Need Games, Shore Leave and Internet
(Maritime Executive) As all modes of transportation seek to attract and retain workers, new research by Cardiff University urges shipping companies to provide more amenities for seafarers. Lack of internet access, long periods away from friends and family, poor accommodation and food were among the leading causes of concern for those working at sea.

Five Common Pitfalls for Supply Chain Digital Transformation
(Supply Chain Digital) A few common issues affect companies’ digital supply chain transformations. Avoiding these pitfalls will help organizations sustain the value creation from their digital transformation efforts.

Could Airports Be the Next Hubs for Disruptive 3D Printing? 
(Air Cargo World) 3D printing hubs, if strategically located, could speed up delivery times and improve efficiencies while bypassing various political risks and trade barriers. Some stakeholders are already experimenting with the use of this technology, and airports may present an attractive hub for the technology given their position and connectivity to various supply chains. 

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