USMMI Adds Another Shallow-draft Tanker to its US Flag Fleet
U.S. Marine Management (USMMI) is proud to announce our most recent contract win with the U.S. Navy’s Military Sealift Command (MSC) for the operation of another shallow-draft tanker in the Far East supporting the Defense Logistics Agency.
The Redwood Trader re-flagged into the U.S. registry and has commenced performance under her charter with MSC. This new U.S. Flag ship represents 17 new US mariner jobs being filled by our supporting mariner unions AMO and SIU.
The Redwood Trader, a chemical product tanker, was built in 2018, is 109 meters long, and 5,422 gross tons. She is the sister ship of M/T Pohang Pioneer, our other shallow draft tanker on charter to MSC and also manned by AMO and SIU members.