NDTA Functional Committees
NDTA includes six functional committees: Military Airlift Advisory, Military Sealift, Surface Transportation, Military Distribution, Passenger Travel Services, and a newly refocused Cybersecurity Best Practices. Committees are chaired by a senior industry leader, supported by a senior government liaison, and operate under their own charters. Committee members include executives from NDTA corporate membership, participants from U.S. Transportation Command, its component commands, and other government agencies. Committees meet at least twice per year to address operational and policy issues of mutual interest, give the government a window into industry processes, and provide industry a voice in government policy development. Each is charged with examining and recommending solutions on critical government, military, and industry issues in their respective fields.
Military Aviation
Advisory Committee
Military Distribution
Military Sealift
NDTA Administrative Committees
NDTA includes six administrative committees: Education & Professional Development, Finance & Audit, Foundation, Chapter Support & Membership Development, Industry, and Communications & Publications. Administrative committees assist the president and the board of directors in the management and oversight of the organization. Each committee is chaired by an industry volunteer who devotes time to ensuring the success of the association. Committee membership includes other volunteers from industry or government with an interest in education and the professional development of our industry and government members.
Education & Professional
Development Committee
Finance & Audit
NDTA Foundation
Chapter Support & Membership
Development Committee
Young Leaders Committee
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