CMSgt Matt Caruso, USTRANSCOM Senior Enlisted Leader, shares his thoughts on the 2018 NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting and, first ever, Senior Enlisted Panel.
“The US military’s senior enlisted leaders bring an abundance of knowledge, wisdom and experience to any leadership team. Through their ability to build enduring relationships, provide vital communication with the workforce, and demonstrated commitment and loyalty, senior enlisted members drive innovation, positive culture and change within our organizations. When we have opportunities to have open and honest dialogue with our force, we’re able to accurately and plainly identify and address our challenges, now and in the future. This year, the NDTA – USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting will host a senior enlisted leader roundtable which will allow us to have that critical, face-to-face engagement with the transportation and logistics enterprise and bring out how to best evolve our workforce to meet tomorrows national security challenges. We highly encourage broad participation from mid-grade military members and teammates from the commercial workforce where the actual work and mission of our organizations gets done.”
I am a DoD employee at the Defense Travel Management Office and part of the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Staff. I am also a Retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant who serviced in Finance and Disbursing – among myriad other things. I would like to know if I would be welcome at the Senior Enlisted Leader Roundtable. If so, I will address my leadership on my attendance. I am also a member of NDTA.
Timothy, you would benefit from attending our 2018 NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting. Please see our Fall Meeting page for more details. Thank you
NDTA Transportation Academy, now in its fourth annual iteration and running throughout the meeting, is the most comprehensive, diverse and intense educational and professional development opportunity of its kind offered– anywhere– be it civilian or government educational or training environments. You will just not find a better return on investment for deepening a government or commercial industry transportation/logistics professional’s understanding of technical topics, businesses practices, current events and leadership development for a four-day event. Add in the panels and keynote speakers and the opportunity to meet one-on-one with industry and government organizations during the exhibition hours, the payback for sending employee professionals is multiplied when they come back to the organization and share what the heard and learned with their colleagues.
I suggest reviewing the detailed 2018 Transportation Academy offerings and building for yourself a personalized, needs-based curriculum showing track overall description and a few words on courses you are interested in taking related specifically or generally to your job. Then show it to your bosses and let them know also you can earning CEU credit for attending- especially important when professional development and education is part of your performance plan!
Best of luck and hope to see you there!