CMSgt Matt Caruso, USTRANSCOM Senior Enlisted Leader, shares his thoughts on the 2018 NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting and, first ever, Senior Enlisted Panel.

“The US military’s senior enlisted leaders bring an abundance of knowledge, wisdom and experience to any leadership team. Through their ability to build enduring relationships, provide vital communication with the workforce, and demonstrated commitment and loyalty, senior enlisted members drive innovation, positive culture and change within our organizations.   When we have opportunities to have open and honest dialogue with our force, we’re able to accurately and plainly identify and address our challenges, now and in the future. This year, the NDTA – USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting will host a senior enlisted leader roundtable which will allow us to have that critical, face-to-face engagement with the transportation and logistics enterprise and bring out how to best evolve our workforce to meet tomorrows national security challenges. We highly encourage broad participation from mid-grade military members and teammates from the commercial workforce where the actual work and mission of our organizations gets done.”


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