The Official Newsletter of The National Defense Transportation Association
April 13, 2021
Don’t forget – NDTA Scholarship applications are due on Thursday!
FEMA has released its latest COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Update.
SFPC Industry Engagement Sessions
The NDTA-CAS Surface Force Projection Conference (Virtual), May 18-20, 2021, features several industry-led sessions that will add to this year’s theme, “From CONUS to the Indo-Pacific Region: Projecting Forces through Strategic Ports to Provide Combat Power.” So far, we are able to provide you with five opportunities to gain additional insights from our industry partners: […READ MORE…]
New DLA Strategic Plan Outlines Goals for 2021-2026
By Beth Reece
Building tailored logistics solutions that support military readiness and fostering a whole-of-government approach to national security are among top priorities in the Defense Logistics Agency’s new 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.
The 16-page document outlines five lines of effort, each with its own set of objectives, that represent areas where the agency can have the greatest impact amid new security threats and global challenges, said DLA Director VADM Michelle Skubic, USN. […READ MORE…]
Enabling Dynamic Force Employment Through Global Port Readiness
By Sharon Lo Managing Editor, Defense Transportation Journal and The Source
DTJ looks back at the discussions from the 2020 Surface Force Projection Conference to see how priorities and the overall environment have changed less than one year later. The conference was presented by the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) and Christopher Newport University’s Center for American Studies (CAS), in collaboration with the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC), the US Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration (MARAD), and the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA). SFPC was moderated by VADM William A. Brown, USN (Ret.), President & CEO, NDTA, and BG Heidi Hoyle, USA, Commander, SDDC. […READ MORE…]
Editor’s Picks
DTMO Releases Defense Travel Dispatch
(Defense Travel Management Office [DTMO]) DTMO has published the Spring 2021 edition of its quarterly newsletter, the Defense Travel Dispatch, featuring travel-related news, best practices, and updates.
The Longest Telegram: A Visionary Blueprint for the Comprehensive Grand Strategy Against China We Need
(War on the Rocks) The defining challenge facing the United States in the 21st century is the rise of China. While Washington has been dozing, Beijing has been dreaming—and China’s dreams are the stuff of American nightmares.
Essential, Invisible: COVID Has 200,000 Merchant Sailors Stuck at Sea
(The Seattle Times) Roughly 400,000 seafarers were stranded on ships around the globe at the peak of the “crew change crisis” in late 2020; now, about 200,000 are stuck. The situation threatens to grow more dire in the coming months, as mariners desperately try to access coronavirus vaccines, their situation complicated by a web of complex logistics and workplaces often situated thousands of miles offshore.
Satellite Images Show Large Russian Military Build-Up in Arctic: Report
(The Hill) Russia is building up military equipment in the Arctic and testing new weapons there as it looks to assert dominance of the region, CNN reported. According to satellite images, Russia is building upon military bases, hardware, and underground storage facilities on its Arctic coastline, with bombers, MiG31BM jets, and new radar systems close to the Alaskan coast.
Female Truckers Have Become TikTok Influencers, and They’re Changing the Transportation Game
(CNN) A growing number of women are entering the world of trucking at a time when demand for drivers is at a critical high. Many of them are using their influence to educate other women and lay the groundwork for change in a crucial and often misunderstood industry. They’re also sharing an important message: Trucking is for everyone.
Let’s Get Real About US Military ‘Dominance’
(Defense One) While the U.S. military may remain the dominant force across all domains in any location on any day of the week during any time of day, recent long-term trends dictate that that should no longer be the operating assumption of American military strategists in their futures analysis.
LGL Delivers Supplies to Support the Fight Against COVID-19
(Liberty Global Logistics LLC [LGL]) LGL continues to support the US response to the global Coronavirus pandemic. LGL recently delivered 24 pallets totaling over 24,000 pounds of personal protective equipment (PPE) including masks, goggles, coveralls, and gowns donated to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein of Jordan.
Agility Opens New Logistics Park in Maputo, Mozambique
(Agility) Agility has opened a new Agility Logistics Park in Maputo, adding to its growing network of international-standard warehouse parks serving key African markets.
COVID-19 – Logistics Lessons Learned
(Crane Worldwide Logistics) One year after the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, Crane Worldwide reflects on how the pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in supply chains and created a new challenging landscape for international trade for many organizations around the world.
Interview with CEO Rolf Habben Jansen: “Things Look A Lot Less Dire Than Feared”
(Hapag-Lloyd) Hapag-Lloyd CEO, Rolf Habben Jansen, recently spoke with SPIEGEL, Germany’s leading news weekly, about the incident in the Suez Canal and the state of the shipping industry in general.
The Source is a free educational publication for NDTA members, conference attendees, and associates.